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HomeBusinessLast Will & Testament of Dame Anastasia Mannock of Windsor

Last Will & Testament of Dame Anastasia Mannock of Windsor


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Transcript of Public Record Office ref. PROB11/1556 Dame Anastasia Mannock 99

Transcribed July 1994 by Tony Hadland from photocopies

[Transcriber’s notes shown thus]

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This is the last Will and Testament of me Dame Anastasia Mannock of Windsor in the County of Berks Widow and relict of Sir Thomas Mannock late of Giffords Hall in the County of Suffolk Baronet decd in manner following that is to say I do hereby give & devise all that my Manor or Lordship or reputed Manor or Lordship of Metlyns [near Maxstoke Castle, Coleshill] in the County of Warwick with the Manor house Farms land tenements & heredits thereunto belonging And also all singular other the Messuages Farms Lands tenements and heredits which I am seized of or entitled to either at Law or in Equity in possession remainder or Expectancy in or within the several towns Fields Parishes or Precincts of Fillingly [Fillongley] Thustock [Shustoke] overfleet Hampstead [now part of Birmingham] & Stonely [Stoneleigh] in the said County of Warwick or elsewhere in Great Britain (excepting the Estates vested in me upon trust or by way of Mortgage) together with their & every of their rights members & appurts unto Nicholas Tuite Selby of Henrietta Street Covent Garden in the City & Liberty of Westminster Banker & John Wright of Henrietta Street aforesaid Banker their heirs To for & upon the several uses trusts interests & purposes & under and

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subject to the several powers provisions limitations and declarations hereinafter mentioned expressed & declared of & concerning the same that is to say To the use of my Nephew Andrew Du Moulin An Officer in His Majesty’s first Somerset Regiment of Militia & his Assigns for and during the term of his natural life And from & after the determination of that Estate by Forfeiture or otherwise in his life time To the use of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright & their heirs during the natural life of the said Andrew Du Moulin upon trust in the usual manner to support & preserve the rentingout uses & Estates herein after limited from being defeated or destroyed but nevertheless to permit & suffer the said Andrew Du Moulin & his Assigns during his life to have receive & take the rents issues & profits of the said heredits & premises & every part thereof to & for his & their own use & benefit And from & after the decease of the said Andrew Du Moulin To the use of the first & every other Son of the said AndrewDu Moulin lawfully begotten or to be begotten severally successively & in remainder one after another in order & course as they shall respectively be in priority of birth & the heirs male of the body and respective bodies of such Son & Sons issuing the Elder of such Sons & the heirs male of his body issuing being always preferred & to take before the younger of such Sons & the heirs male of his & their body & respective bodies issuing And in default of such issue to the use of my Great Niece Elizabeth Du Moulin my God daughter daughter of the said Andrew Du Moulin in case the said Elizabeth Du Moulin shall be living at the time of the Failure or determination of the uses & Estates herein before limited precedent to the use or Estate so limited to her the said Elizabeth Du Moulin but not otherwise & her heirs & assigns for ever but in case the said Elizabeth Du Moulin shall be dead at the time of the Failure or determination of the uses or Estates precedent to the Estate so limited to her as aforesaid then & n such case the said Manor & other heredits hereinbefore devised shall from thenceforth remain & be to the only proper use & behest of my own right heirs for ever provided always & I do hereby declare & direct that it shall & may be lawful to & for the said Andrew Du Moulin at any time or times during his natural life And from and after his decease during the minority or respective minorities of any of the Sons of the said Andrew Du Moulin or of the issue male of any of such Sons for the time being entitled by virtue of the limitations aforesaid to the said Manor & other heredits in possession or to the rents & profits thereof To & for the Guardian or Guardians for the time being of any such Son or issue Male entitled as aforesaid by any Deed or Deeds indented sealed & delivered in the presence of two or more credible Witnesses to demise or let all or any part or parts of the said Manor & heredits to any person or persons for any term or number of years not exceeding seven years in possession but not in

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reversion remainder or expectancy or by way of future Interest & so as upon every of such leases there be reserved & made payable during the continuance thereof to be interest to & go along with the reversion expectant thereon respectively the best & most improved yearly rent or rents that can be reasonably had or obtained for the same without taking any Sum or Sums of money or other thing by way of Fine or premium for or in respect of any such loans & so as such lessees respectively their respective Exors Admors or assigns be not made dispunishable of waste by any express words therein & so as in every such case there be contained a clause of reentry for non payment of the rent or rents to be thereby respectively received by the space of twenty eight days after the same or any part thereof shall become due & so as the respective lessees to whom such loans shall be made do seal and deliver Counterparts thereof respectively Provided always & I do hereby further declare & direct that it shall & may be lawful t & for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them or the Exors or Admors of such Survivor at any time or times hereafter at the request & by the direction of the said Andrew Du Moulin testified by some writing under his hand & seal & attested by two or more credible witnesses / to dispose of & convey either by way of absolute sale or in exchange for or in lieu of other heredits to be situate somewhere in that part of Great Britain called England all or any part of the said Manor or Lordship & other heredits respectively & the Inheritance thereof in fee simple to any person or persons whomsoever for such price or prices in money or for such equivalent or recompence [sic] in Manors Lands or heredits & with or without paying or receiving any Sum of money for equality of Exchange as to the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors or Admors shall seem reasonable And that for the purpose of effecting such dispositions or conveyances (but not for any other purpose) it shall and may be lawful to & for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors or Admors / with such consent & approbation as aforesaid by any Deed or Deeds Instrument or Instruments in writing sealed & delivered by him or them in the presence of & attested by two or more credible Witnesses absolutely to revoke determine & make void all & every or any of the uses trusts powers revisions limitations and declarations hereby limitted [sic] declared & expressed of and concerning the said Manor & other heredits or any part or parts thereof And by the same or any other Deed or Deeds Instrument or Instruments in Writing to limit and appoint any use or uses estate or estates trust or trusts of the said Manor & other heredits or any part or parts thereof which it shall be thought necessary or expedient to limit or appoint in order effectuate such sales dispositions & conveyances as aforesaid And also that upon payment of the monies arising by the sale of the said Manor & other heredits or of any monies to be received for equality of Exchange or any part thereof it shall & may be lawful to & for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors or Admors to give & sign receipts for the money for which

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the same shall be sold or which shall be received for equality of Exchange & that such receipts shall be sufficient discharges to any purchasers or purchaser or person or persons paying such monies for equality of Exchange for the purchase monies for which the same shall be sold or for such monies so to be paid for equality of Exchange or for so much thereof as in such receipts shall be acknowledged or expressed to be received & that purchaser or purchasers or person or persons paying such monies for equality of exchange his her or their heirs Exors Admors or assigns shall not be accountable or answerable for any loss misapplication or nonapplication of such purchase or other money or any part thereof or be obliged or concerned to see to the applon [sic] thereof And I do hereby declare & direct that when all or any part of the said Manor & other heredits hereby limited shall be sold for a valuable consideration in money or any monies shall be received for equality of exchange as aforesaid the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors or Admors shall with all convenient speed with the consent & approbation + [insert from margin incomplete on photocopy from which this transcript was made] of the person for the time being entitled in possession to the said Manor & other heredits such person being of full age but if under age then with the consent of the Guardian or Guardians lay out & invest the monies to arise by such sale or sales Exchange or Exchanges as aforesaid in the purchase of other Manors Lands or Heredits in Fee simple in possession to be situate somewhere in that part of Great Britain called England of a clear & indefeasible Estate of Inheritance & either with or without Leasehold Copyhold or Customary Lands or Tenements lying contiguous to & convenient to be held with the heredits hereby limited or with any of the said Manors Lands or Heredits so to be purchased as aforesaid But so as such Leasehold Copyhold & Customary Lands or tenements do not exceed in the whole one third part in value of the lands tenements or heredits so to be purchased at any one time And I hereby further direct that the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors & Admors do & hall settle & assure or cause to be settled & assured as well the heredits so to be purchased as the heredits so to be received in Exchange as hereinbefore is mentioned to such & the same uses upon such & the same trusts & for such & the same intents & purposes & with under & subject to such & the same powers provisions conditions & declarations as are in & by this my Will limited expressed declared & contained of & concerning such of the said Manor & other heredits hereinbefore devised as aforesaid as shall be so sold or given in Exchange or as near thereto as the deaths of parties & other intervening incidents will then admit of Yet so that if any Lands so to be purchased as last is hereinbefore mentioned shall be held for any term or terms of years the same shall not vest absolutely for the purpose of transmission in any Son of the said Andrew Du Moulin who shall depart this life under the age of twenty one years without leaving issue male of his body living at the time of his decease or born in due time fterwards And also until the money arising by such sale or sales so to be received for equality of Exchange as aforesaid shall be disposed of in the manner hereinbefore mentioned it shall & may be lawful to & for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors & Admors by & with such consent & approbation as aforesaid to place out such Sum or Sums of money at Interest

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either in the Parliamentary Stocks or Public Funds of Great Britain or upon real Securities in England or in the principality of Wales in the names or name of such trustees or trustee for the time being & to alter vary transfer & dispose of the said Stocks Funds & Securities as occasion shall be thought to require And I do hereby declare & direct that the Interest dividends & annual product arising or accruing from such Stocks Funds or Securities shall go & be paid to such person or persons & be applied to & for such uses intents and purposes & in such manner as the rents & profits of the heredits so to be purchased would be payable in case such purchases were then actually made [& I do hereby give bequeath & dispose of all my monies securities for money Goods Chattels Personal Estate & Effects whatsoever and wheresoever in manner following that is to say] I give all my Gold & Silver Plate unto the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright their Exors Admors & assigns upon trust to permit & suffer my Niece Barara Louise Baronne De Fages of Windsor in the County of Berks to have the use & enjoyment thereof for & during the term of her natural life for her own sole & separate use & benefit & free from the debts disposition or controul [sic] of her present or any future husband & from & after her decease In trust for such person or persons from time to time as for the time being shall be entitled in possession to my said Manor & other heredits hereinbefore devised provided that if any such person whomay [sic] become entitled in possession to all Estate in tail male in the said Manor & heredits by virtue of the limitations aforesaid shall happen to die under the age of twenty one years without leaving Issue male of his body living at his decease or born in due time afterwards then & so often as the same shall happen within the period of time in which Executory powers are allowed by Law to take place the same plate hereinbefore bequeathed shall go over to the next taker of my said Manor and other heredits according to the aforesaid limitations subject always to this proviso And I direct that a schedule or Inventory shall be taken of such plate & a duplicate made thereof & that the schedule & Duplicate shall be signed by the person for the time being entitled to such plate by virtue of this my will And that one part thereof shall be kept by the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors or Admors & the other by the person for the time being so entitled to the same as aforesaid And I gve to the said Barbara De Fages my Gold Enamelled Snuff Box & also all my Diamonds & other Jewels excepting the Star given to me by my cousin Barbara Rook of Charles Street Manchester Square which I hereby direct to be restored to the said Barbara Rook I give to the said Barbara Rook my unenamelled Gold Snuff Box And I give all my laces & table linen to my said Niece Barbara De Fages and Elizabeth Du Moulin now the Wife of the said Andrew Du Moulin to be divided between them in equal shares as tenants in Common And I give my common wearing apparel to Rachael Hedgenton my Cook & Mary Osborne my Servant or such of them as shall be living with me

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at the time of my decease in equal shares if more than one [And I give & bequeath all my household furniture unto the said Nicholas Tulte Selby & John Wright their Exors & Admors & assigns upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to sell & dispose of the same by Public Auction or Private Contract & to stand possessed of the monies therefrom arising after payment of the necessary Expenses attending such sale In trust to place out or invest the same in or upon Government or real Securitys [sic] at Interest in his or their name or names And upon further trust to pay the dividends Interest or annual product thereof into the proper hands of the said last mentioned Elizabeth Du Moulin the Wife of the said Andrew Du Moulin or to the hands of such person or persons as she shall by any writing under her hand but not by way of anticipation appoint to receive the same during her life the receipts of the said Elisabeth [sic] Du Moulin or of such person or persons as she shall appoint as aforesaid to be alone sufficient discharges for the same To the interest that the same may be for her separate use independent [sic] of the said Andrew Du Moulin or any future husband And from & after her decease the said Monies hereinbefore directed to be placed out at Interest shall be In trust for all & every the Child & Children of the said last mentioned Elizabeth Du Moulin by the said Andrew Du Moulin living at the time of her decease who being a Son or Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter or Daughters shall attain that age or marry to be divided between or among them if more than one in equal shares And if there shall be but one such Child living at her decease who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter shall attain that age or marry the whole to be In trust for that one Child Provided always & I declare my Will to be that after the decease of the said last mentioned Elizabeth Du Moulin & in the mean time & until the vesting of the portions hereinbefore provided for her said Children respectively as aforesaid it shall & may be lawful to & for the said Nicholas Tuite Seby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns at his or their discretion to pay & apply all or any part of the Interest Dividends & annual product of the portion or portions to which any such Child or Children may be entitled in expectancy for & towards his her or their maintenance & education & also to advance the whole or any part of such the expectant portion or portions of any such Child or Children for or towards his her or their preferment Establishment or advancement in the World] And in case there shall be no Child of the same Elizabeth Du Moulin by the said Andrew Du Moulin living at her decease who being a Son shall attain + [addition in margin not complete on photocopy, but probably “the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter shall attain”] that age or marry the said monies hereinbefore directed to be placed out at Interest shall be upon trust for such person or persons of any blood or kindred living at my decease as would by virtue of the statute of distribution have become entitled to my personal Estate in case I had died unmarried and Intestate & in such shares as they respectively would have been entitled to of & in the same And I direct that my Coach shall be sold by my Exors hereinafter named & the monies arising by such sale distributed amongst the poor in such manner as my Exors shall think proper [And I direct that within the space of six Calendar months after

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my decease the Sum of Five thousand pounds four percent Bank Annuities shall be purchased or transferred by and out of my personal Estate & invested in the name or names of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns who shall stand & be possessed & interested of & in the same upon trust to pay the dividends & annual proceeds thereof into the proper hands of my said Niece Barbara Louise Baronne De Fages or to the hands of such person or persons excepting her present or any future husband as she shall from time to time by any writing under her hand but not by way of anticipation appoint to receive the same during her life the receipts of the said Barbara Louise De Fages or of such person or persons as she shall appoint as aforesaid to be alone sufficient discharges for the same to the intent that the same may be for her separate use independant [sic] of her present or any future husband And from & after her decease the said Five thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall be In trust for all & every the Child & Children of the said Barbara Louise De Fages living at her decease who being a Son or Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter or Daughters shall attain that age or marry to be divided between or among them (if more than one) in equal shares And if there shall be but one such Child living at her decease who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter shall attain that age or marry the whole to be In trust for that one Child Provided always & I declare my Will to be that after the decease of my said Niece Barbara Louise De Fages & in the mean time & until the vesting of the portions hereby provided for her said Children respectively as aforesaid it shall & may be lawful for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns at his or their disretion to pay & apply all or any part of the Interest dividends & annual product of the portion or portions to which any such Child or Children may be entitled in expectancy for & towards his her or their maintenance & education & also to advance the whole or any part of such the expectant portion or portions of any such Child or Children for or towards his her or their preferment establishment or advancement in the world And in case there shall be no Child of the said Barbara Louise De Fages living at her decease who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter shall attain that age or marry then the said Sum of Five thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall be upon trust for Nicholas Selby Du Moulin the eldest son of the said Andrew Du Moulin in case he shall be living at the time of the determination of the proceeding [sic] trusts of the said Five thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities but not their use & for his Exors Admors & assigns to & for his & their own use & benefit But in case the said Nicholas Selby Du Moulin shall be then dead leaving issue of his body one or more Child or Children then living upon trust for such Child or Children of the said Nicholas Selby Du Moulin living at the time of

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the determination of the proceeding [sic] trusts as being a Son or Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter or daughters shall attain that age or marry to be divided between or among them if more than one in equal shares & if there shall be but one such Child then living who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry the whole to be In trust for that one Child Provided always & I declare my will to be that after the determination of the trusts preceding the trust last herein before declared in favor [sic] of the children of the said Nicholas Selby Du Moulin & in the mean time & until the vesting of the portions hereinbefore provided for his said Children respectively as aforesaid it shall & may be lawful for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns at his or their discretion to pay & apply all or any part of the Interest dividends & annual product of the portion or portions to which any such Child or Children may be entitled in expectancy for & towards his her or their maintenance and education And also to advance the whole or any part of such the expectant portion or portions of any such child or children for or towards his her or their preferment establishment or advancement in the world But in case the said Nicholas Selby Du Moulin shall be dead at the time of the determination of the trusts preceding the trust so limited to him as aforesaid without leaving any Child or Children living at the time of such determination as aforesaid or in case all & evry the child & children then living shall die before any of them being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter shall attain that age or marry then & in either of such cases the said Five thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall be upon trust for all & every such Daughter or Daughters of the said Andrew Du Moulin living at the time of the failure or determination of the trusts thereof herein before limited preceding the trust hereby declared for the benefit of such Daughter as shall attain the age of twenty one years or marry to be divided between or amongst them if more than one in equal shares & in case there shall be but one such Daughter then living who shall attain the age of twenty one years or marry then the whole to be upon trust for such one Daughter with power for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns after the failure or determination of the preceding trusts & in the mean time until the absolute vesting o the portions hereinbefore provided for such Daughters respectively as aforesaid to pay & apply all or any part of the expectant portion or portions of such Daughter or Daughters for & towards her or their maintenance & education And also to advance the whole or any part of such expectant portion or portions for or towards his her or their preferment establishment or advancement But in case all & singular the trusts hereinbefore declared of and concerning the said Sum of Five thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall fail to take effect or shall determine then in such case the said Five thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall from & aftersuch failure or determination remain & be upon trust for my said Great Niece Elizabeth Du Moulin God daughter her Exors

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Admors & assigns And I direct that within the space of six calendar Months after my decease the Sum of two thousand pounds four pr. Cent Bank Annuities shall in like manner be purchased or transferred by & out of my personal Estate & invested in the name or names of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns who shall stand be possessed & interested of & in the same Upon trust to pay the dividends & annual proceeds thereof unto the said Andrew Du Moulin & his assigns for and during the term of his natural life & from & after his decease upon trust for all & every the child & children of the said Andrew Du Moulin living at the time of his decease or born in due time afterwards who being a Son or Sons shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter or Daughters shall attain that age or marry to be divided between or among them if more than one in equal shares And if there shall be but one such Child living at his decease or born in due time aftewards who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a Daughter shall attain that age or marry the whole to be In trust for that Child] Provided always & I declare my Will to be that after the decease of the said Andrew Du Moulin & in the mean time & until the vesting of the portions hereinbefore provided for his said Children respectively as aforesaid it shall & may be lawful for the said Nicholas Tulte Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors & assigns at his or their discretion to pay & apply all or any part of the Interest Dividends & annual product of the portion or portions to which any such Child or Children may be entitled in expectancy for & towards his her or their maintenance & education & also to advance the whole or any part of such expectant portion or portions of any such Child or Children for or towards his her or their preferment establishment & advancement in the world And in case there shall be no Child of the said Andrew Du Moulin living at the time f his decease or born in due time afterwards who being a Son shall attain the age of twenty one years or being a daughter shall attain that age or marry then the said two thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall be upon trust for such person or persons of my blood or kindred living at my decease as would by virtue of the statute of distributions have become entitled to my personal Estate in case I had died unmarried and Intestate & in such shares as they respectively would have been entitled to of & in the same And I do further direct that within the space of six calendar months after my decease a life Sum of two thousand pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities shall be purchased or transferred out of my personal Estate & invested in the names or name of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns who shall be possessed & interested of & in the same

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upon trust to pay the dividends & annual proceeds thereof unto my Nephew James Du Moulin now in America or his assigns for & during the term of his natural life & from & after his decease upon trust for George Du Moulin the second Son of my said Nephew Andrew Du Moulin his Exors Admors & assigns for his & their own use & benefit [And I do hereby also direct that the Sum of two thousand five hundred pounds five per Cent Bank Annuities shall within the space of six calendar months after my decease be purchased or transferred out of my personal Estate & invested in the names or name of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns who shall stand & be possessed & interested of & in the same upon trust for all & every the Daughter & Daughters of the said Andrew Du Moulin living at the time of his decease who shall attain the age of twenty one years or marry to be divided between or amongst them in equal shares if more than one & if there shall be but one such dauhter living at his decease who shall attain that age or marry then the whole to be upon trust for such one Daughter Provided always & I declare my Will to be that in the mean time until such Daughters respectively shall attain the age of twenty one years or marry it shall be lawful for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns at his or their discretion to pay & apply all or any part of the Interest & annual proceeds of the portion or portions to which any such Daughter or Daughters may be entitled in expectancy for and towards her & their maintenance & education & also to advance the whole or any part of such the expectant portion or portions of any such Daughter or Daughters for or towards her or their preferment establishment or advancement in the world And in case there shall be no Daughter of the said Andrew Du Moulin living at his decease who shall attain the age of twenty one years or marry the said two thousand five hundred pounds five per Cent Bank Annuities shall be upon trust for such person or persons of my blood or kindred living at my decease as would by virtue of the statute of distributions have become entitled to my personal Estate in case I had died unmarried & intestate & in such shares as they respectively would have been entitled to of & in the same] And I do hereby further direct that my Exors or the Exors for the time being of this my Will shall within the space of six calendar months after my decease by & out of my personal Estate purchase & transfer or cause to be transferred to the several Legatees hereinafter named the several legacies or proportions of Four per Cent Bank Annuities following that is to say To my Cousin Miss Barbara Rooke of Charles Street Manchester Square Spinster one thousand five hundred pounds four per Cent Bank Annuities To Francis Archdekin of Charles Street Manchester Square Nephew of the said Barbara Rooke five hundred pounds life Annuities to Mrs Agnes Wright of Llanherne House St. Columb’s in the County of Cornwall three hundred pounds

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life Annuities To Mrs Swinbourne Daughter of the late Sir John Swinbourne Baronet deceased late residing at Montargis in France but now at Heath in the County of York two hundred pounds life Annuities To Mrs Augustine De Chabaune of Snape Hill near Wimbourne in the County of Dorset two hundred pounds life Annuities To the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright for the trouble they will have in the execution of the trusts of this my Will two hundred pounds life Annuities equally to be divided between them To Louis Baron De Fages of Windsor in the County of Berks my Nephew in law one hundred pounds life Annuities To Mary Minter my late Servant one hundred pounds life Annuities To my God daughter Constantia Slaughter of Bellevue Reading in the County of Berks one hundred pounds life Annuities To the Reverend Doctor Collingridge of Chepstow in the County of Monmouth one hundred pounds life Annuities To the Revd Mr Anthony Cocket of Burton Green near Ringwood Hants one hundred pounds life Annuities To my Godson loysius Last of (blank) Street near Manchester Square London Fifty pounds life Annuities To the Revd. Mr. Mortuaire residing at Stonor Park Fifty pounds life annuities To the Revd. William Barnes of Fisbury 1 [= Tisbury] near Wardour Castle in the County of Wilts Fifty pounds life annuities To the Revd. Philip Becquet lately residing with me Fifty pounds life Annuities And I give & bequeath the several legacies or Sums of lawful money of the United Kingdom as the same is current in England to the several persons herein after mentioned that is to say To six poor honest Men to be chosen by my Exors as Pall Bearers two Guineas apiece To Rachael Hedgenton my Cook Fifty pounds if she shall be living + [insert from margin “with me at my decease To Mary Osborne my Servant fifty pounds if she shall be living”] with me at my decease To the Revd. Mr. D’Ollard of Fingest in the County of Oxford for a ring Nineteen pounds nineteen shillings To John Favies of Bury St. Edmunds in the County of Suffolk Nineteen pounds Nineteen shillings To Louis Herode of Rumsey in the County of Hants commonly called Farge who was Servant to my late Uncle Sir Thomas Moore Baronet deceased ten pounds And I direct that the several above mentioned pecuniary Legacies shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease without Interest And I do hereby further declare & direct that the legacies hereinbefore bequeathed by me to the said Rachael Hedgenton & Mary Osborne shall be free & clear from all taxes & deductions whatsoever and particularly from the tax or duty on Legacies now payable or which shall or may become payable upon or in respect of the same respectively which said taxes or duties payable for or in respect thereof shall be paid and discharged by my Exors out of the residue of my personal Estate & Effects [And I do herey further declare & direct that in the event of my personal Estate not being sufficient for the payment of all the legacies Sums of money & stocks hereby bequeathed or directed to be purchased or transferred as aforesaid the same shall abate proportionately without regard to the order or precedency in which the same are given by this my Will And I do hereby give & bequeath all my monies securities

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for money Goods Chattels Estate & Effects whatsoever & wheresoever not hereinbefore specifically or otherwise disposed of after payment of all my just debts Funeral & testamentary Expenses & the several legacies Sums of money & Stocks hereinbefore bequeathed & directed to be purchased or transferred as aforesaid as well as of the legacy Duties payable upon the said two legacies to Rachael Hedgenton & Mary Osborne respectively as aforesaid unto the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright their Exors Admors & assigns upon trust as soon as conveniently may be after my decease to sell dispose of collect & reinvest the same into money & to place out or invest tile monies therefrom arising in or upon Government or real Securities at Interest & to stand & be possessed and interested of & in the monies last hereinbefore directed to be invested or laced out at Interest upon such and the same trusts in favor [sic] or for the benefit of the Daughters of the said Andrew Du Moulin & with the like powers & authorities as hereinbefore mentioned expressed & declared of & concerning the said two thousand five hundred pounds five per Cent Bank Annuities herein before directed to be invested upon divers trusts in favor [sic] or for the benefit of such Daughter or Daughters And in case there shall be no Daughter of the said Andrew Du Moulin living at his decease who shall attain the age of twenty one years or marry thereupon trust for the said George Du Moulin the second Son of the said Andrew Du Moulin his Exors Admors & assigns to & for his & their own use & benefit] Provided always & I do hereby further declare & direct that it shall be lawful for the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or the Survivor of them his Exors Admors or assigns from time to time to alter vary and transpose the several Stocks Funds & Securities which shall for the time be standing in his or their name or names under or by virtue of this my Will until the same respectively shall become transferrable by virtue of the trusts & Directions herein before contained as often as he or they shall think proper provided that every such transposition be made with the consent of the person or persons for the time being entitled to the dividends interest & annul proceeds of the Stocks Funds or Securities respectively which shall be so altered varied or transposed as aforesaid such person or persons being of full age & during the minority or respective minorities of every person or persons for the time being entitled in expectancy as aforesaid with the consent of his her or their Guardian or Guardians for the time being And I do hereby give & devise unto etc the use of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright their heirs & assigns All such real Estates as are vested in me by way of Mortgage in order to enable him and them with the greater ease to collect & get in the monies thereby named & to apply the same upon the trusts of this my Will And I give unto & to the use of the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright their heirs & assigns all such real Estates as are vested in me upon any trust or trusts To hold the same upon the trusts thereof respectively And I declare & direct that if either of them the said

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Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright or any future trustee shall die or refuse or decline to act in the trusts of this my Will then a new trustee may be appointed by the surviving or continuing trustess And the said trust Estates monies & premises shall in that case be conveyed & assigned so as to be vested in such new trustee & such surviving or continuing trustee upon the same trusts & withon the same powers as are hereinbefore mentioned & declared & so from time to time as often as that case shall happen And I appoint the said Nicholas Tuite Selby & John Wright Executors of this my Will And I declare that my said Exors & trustess & the trustees or trustee for the time being of this my Will shall not be answerable for involuntary losses & that they shall be allowed & may retain to & reimburse themselves all their costs & Charges damages & Expenses to be occasioned by the due execution of the trusts hereby in them disposed And I hereby revoke all my former Wills In Witness whereof I the said Dame Anastasia Manock have to this my last Will & testament contained in Eighteen sheets of paper set my hand & seal that is to say my hand to the first seventeen sheets thereof & my hand & seal to this Eighteenth & last sheet the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fourteen Anastasia Mannock (SS) Signed Sealed Published & declared by the said Testatrix Dame Anastasia Mannock as & for her last Will & testament in the presence of us who in her presence at her request & in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our Names as Witnesses Jno. Chapman Surgeon Windsor James McBean Upholsterer Windsor John Secker Junr. Clerk to Mr. Secker Solicitor Windsor

Messrs Selby & John Wright Esqrs. this I declare you will look on a fair Godicil to my Will -male by Mr. Barrett & Co. towards the beginning of last year when at Henley Oxon & it is to rectify a mistake in the legacy concerning Mrs. Barbra. Rooke in wch. I leave her my Gold Snuff Box I had given her one some years ago & it was a Brilliant Star she had given me the other mistake is that I had left all my common apparel to be divided between Rachael my Cook & Mary Osborne since wch. I have a good Maid & will have her by name Elizabeth Barwell come in for her share in the above things & my Gold Box is for Barbara L. De Fages As Witness my hand Anastasia Mannock

I likewise Desire Messrs. Selby & John Wright to give to Mrs. Charlotte Stuard of Lanhurne Cornwall £300 Mrs. Agnes Wright to whom I had left a legacy is since dead but will that it goes to her above friend & successor Charlotte Stuard As Witness my hand this 14th. day of March 1814.  Anastasia Mannock

Appeared Personally William Last of South Street in the Parish of Saint Mary le bone in [Page ends here – presumably a further page describes the proving of the will.]

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